Friday, 14 June 2013

Crown Goes To Emma Watson In New Fantasy

Harry Potter star Emma Watson is returning to fantasy cinema after signing on to play the lead in "Game of Thrones-style" saga Queen of the Tearling, reports Variety.
Watson will play 19-year-old idealistic princess Kelsea Glynn, created by Erika Johansen after the author heard a 2007 speech by a pre-presidential Barack Obama. Johansen signed a seven-book deal in February and the first novel in the series is due next year. It is set three centuries after an environmental catastrophe, when a malevolent Red Queen reigns over the kingdom of the Tearling. Glynn must defeat the monarch to reclaim her deceased mother's crown, and publishers have compared the tone of the series with that of George RR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire saga, which is being adapted by US network HBO asGame of Thrones.She can also be seen in "This is The End" released in the US today June 14 2013 and UK later this month June 28th 2013.

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